Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 10, 2014



Tajuk yang sangat simple tapi besar maknanya untuk aku dan suami. Eh dah bersuami? Ye aku dah kawen dua tahun lepas, Oct 2012. Cepat btol masa berlalu kan?

Blog ni pon dah bersawang. Mula-mula je excited nak update hal-hal bride-to-be, lepas tu, hampeh. Busy dengan kehidupan baru. Aku berehat menulis 2013, and skarang 2014, semangat nak ber'blogging' balik datang. Idea mencurah-curah lately ni esp. bila anak dah tido, banyak benda datang dalam kepala. 

Eh dah ada anak? Ye, lepas kawen, bunting pelamin, pastu dapat anak July 2013. Rezeki Allah s.w.t. plus minum Herbalife, buat aku jadi sangat-sangat subur. Tak percaya, meh cuba :D


Alhamdulillah, banyak impian 2013 dah tercapai termasuk duduk luar daripada ahli keluarga. Kalau dulu terlampau, lampau, lampaunya 'comfort zone' kami, ye lah, kawen je, terus duduk rumah mak mertua. Makan free, rumah tak yah bayar, bil air api pon subsidize, wi-fi pon laju, haha segalanya ada lah! Rumah pon takde orang, tinggal MIL dengan adik ipar, itu pon adik ipar jarang-jarang ada rumah sebab nurse keje shift kan. 

Bila one month lepas kawen tau aku mengandung, satu rumah excited tapi bagi aku mula-mula tau tu, aku nangis. 

Macam tak percaya.

Plus, tanggungjawab besar yang nak kena pikul. Masa mengandung, barulah tau camana ibu kita bawak kita 9 bulan dalam perut dia. Nak naik turun tangga pon mengah sampai hubby kena pimpin tangan.

Belum lagi, loya tengah-tengah malam. Makan je muntah balik, lapar tengah malam, mengidam macam-macam. Eh, bab mengidam, aku rasa takde mengidam apa sangat kot. Salah satu factor, minum Shake Herbalife, Dr. K kata sel-sel badan sihat so rasa nak itu ini pon kurang. 

Alhamdulillah, bab itu, tapi teruja sangat masa mengandung, tak perasan pon, pejam celik dari kecik perut sampai la kembang. Nak-nak lagi rasa pergerakan baby dari dalam. MashAllah SubhanAllah, amazing feeling sgt.

Lagi impian? 

aku doa nak 'berhijab'. 

Alhamdulillah, pon termakbul juga doa tu. Memang dah lama terasa nak pakai, tapi tak kuat nak buat. Bila dah bergaul dengan orang-orang sekeliling yang memang positip lagi-lagi pulak dorang memang yang kuat pegangan agama, aku rasa kerdil, sangat jahil dan-dan tu jugak cuba nak mendalami ilmu agama. Bukan setakat kena tutup aurat tapi perangai pon kena berubah, kena jaga adab dan yang paling penting, suami sangat supportive bab-bab agama ni. 


Sangat banyak resolutions, nak perbaiki diri, nak perwatakan yang lebih baik, sahsiah & jati diri yang lebih baik. Nak keluarga yang serba serbi cukup keperluan inshAllah. Yang penting, lagi bertambah besar tanggungjawab yang perlu aku pikul sebagai isteri solehah & ibu mithali untuk Mikhail.

Makna yang lagi besar untuk kami lagi, kami punya impian. Impian yang kami tulis awal tahun, simpan dalam Dream Jar, awal tahun depan, bukak balik, reflects diri and imbas apa yang dah kami capai, apa yang belum.

Scary tak buat, tapi scary lagi kalau anda takde impian. Betul tak?

Aku menangis bila tulis impian aku tempoh hari. 

Sesungguhnya bab impian ni sangat sensatip untuk aku sekarang, but aku kena tabah & kuat. Dah jadi seorang ibu, mesti tunjuk contoh yang baik untuk anak. And.. anak masih kecil, inilah masanya untuk aku berkorban kerja lebih masa & kerah keringat demi masa depan dia.

Kadang-kadang terpaksa tinggal Mikhail dengan mama & papa, and sometimes adik aku jugak. Bukan suka-suka, tapi terpaksa. Demi masa depan. Mama & papa Mikhail kena kerja keras demi masa depan Mikhail yang cemerlang. Okay, tiba-tiba jadi sensatip. Lagi-lagi bab anak ni. Aku ni sensatip orangnya, hubby pon tau. 

Cengeng kan. 

Jap, lap air mata. *sobss*

Sebelum melangkah tahun baru haritu, seminggu awal aku jot down kat kertas. Tulis apa impian aku nak capai 2014. And.. aku share dengan suami. At least dia boleh pinjam impian aku untuk dia terus kerja lebih keras. 

Banyak okeh, tapi semua boleh direalisasikan bila anda bekerja. 

Kerja kuat.. 

So, lebih kurang macam inilah,

impian ---> Kerja! KERJA! Kerja! ---> capai impian (success).

Faham kan? Tak mudah & tak senang tapi berbaloi bila buat. 

Jim Rohn kata, 

"Don't wish it was easy, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills.."  

Aku suka philosophy Jim Rohn ni. Sangat terkena dengan diri aku. Rasa nak slap slap je  muka ni kalau tak reti reti jugak nak berubah. Nantilah ada masa aku buat entry bertajuk 'change'. Uihh, semangat betul nak berblogging balik ni. Heheh. 

Okaylah, till then, harap sedikit walaupun tak banyak boleh ingatkan korang untuk buat dream masing-masing since ni pon masih awal tahun, panjang lagi perjalanan kita tapi, tapi, tapi jangan amik endah tak endah je, masa sangat mencemburui kita. 

Pap, pap! 

sekejap je nak abes tahun pulak. So, untuk elakkan rasa kekesalan berlaku di hati, baiklah amik tindakan sekarang. 

Till then, aku kena shut down mata ni untuk rest pulak. Seharian ni anak tak berapa sihat. Merengek je satu hari sebab hidung selsema & batuk. Kesian sangat kat dia. So, perlukan extra care disitu.

Selamat beramal semua. 

Salam kasih & sayang pembuka tahun 2014!

Yang gigih menaip,
Mama Mikhail.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Why drinking water?

Here are six reasons to make sure you're drinking enough water or other fluids every day:
1. Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.
"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says Guest, who is also an adjunct professor of medicine at Stanford University.
When you're low on fluids, the brain triggers the body's thirst mechanism. And unless you are taking medications that make you thirsty, Guest says, you should listen to those cues and get yourself a drink of water, juice, milk, coffee -- anything but alcohol.
"Alcohol interferes with the brain and kidney communication and causes excess excretion of fluids which can then lead to dehydration," he says.
2. Water Can Help Control Calories. For years, dieters have been drinking lots of water as a weight loss strategy. While water doesn't have any magical effect onweight loss, substituting it for higher calorie beverages can certainly help.
"What works with weight loss is if you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage and/or eat a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier, more filling, and help you trim calorie intake," says Penn State researcher Barbara Rolls, PhD, author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan.
Food with high water content tends to look larger, its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, oatmeal, and beans.
3. Water Helps Energize Muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. "When muscle cells don't have adequate fluids, they don't work as well and performance can suffer," says Guest.
Drinking enough fluids is important when exercising. Follow the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fluid intake before and during physical activity. These guidelines recommend that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating.
4. Water Helps Keep Skin Looking Good. Your skin contains plenty of water, and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. But don't expect over-hydration to erase wrinkles or fine lines, says Atlanta dermatologist Kenneth Ellner, MD.
"Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration," he says. "But once you are adequately hydrated, the kidneys take over and excrete excess fluids."
You can also help "lock" moisture into your skin by using moisturizer, which creates a physical barrier to keep moisture in.
5. Water Helps Your Kidneys. Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. The main toxin in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a water-soluble waste that is able to pass through the kidneys to be excreted in the urine, explains Guest. "Your kidneys do an amazing job of cleansing and ridding your body of toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate," he says.
When you're getting enough fluids, urine flows freely, is light in color and free of odor. When your body is not getting enough fluids, urine concentration, color, and odor increases because the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions.
If you chronically drink too little, you may be at higher risk for kidney stones, especially in warm climates, Guest warns.
6. Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Function. Adequate hydration keeps things flowing along your gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. When you don't get enough fluid, the colon pulls water from stools to maintain hydration -- and the result is constipation.
"Adequate fluid and fiber is the perfect combination, because the fluid pumps up the fiber and acts like a broom to keep your bowel functioning properly," says Koelemay.

5 Tips to Help You Drink More

If you think you need to be drinking more, here are some tips to increase your fluid intake and reap the benefits of water:
  1. Have a beverage with every snack and meal.
  2. Choose beverages you enjoy; you're likely to drink more liquids if you like the way they taste.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Their high water content will add to your hydration. About 20% of our fluid intake comes from foods.
  4. Keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
  5. Choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Welcome to HERBALIFE NUTRITION A way of Life!

32 years ago Herbalife was one of the first companies to pioneer powdered  weight management products. Today, Herbalife is one of the most successful companies- selling products in 89 countries around the world! 

Simply the Best
There are two very simple reason why the Herbalife Weight Management products virtually 'sell themselves' - they help achieve FANTASTIC RESULTS, and they are EASY TO USE. No tedious calorie counting, no skipping meals, no disappointment. Just slim, slim, slim!

* You can save money on your food bill because you will no longer want to buy expensive ready-made junk food, chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweets.

*Perfectly balanced nurition. Scienifically developed and produced to exacting standards; our Formula 1 provides everything you  need to help you reach optimum health.

* Too busy for breakfast? Too busy for lunch? Too tired to cook?  Have a shake instead! It's so quick and easy - in just a few minutes you will have produced a balanced and delicious meal-in-a-glass, which then allows you more time to do the things you really want to!

*Forget all those dismal diets; when all you could think about were the foods you couldn't eat. The good news is - you need not feel hungry, you can feel satisfied, and have plenty of vitality.

* Tasty meals! The shakes taste so good - forget all those stories you've heard about powdered meals being gritty, flavourless and off-putting - the Herbalife shakes taste wonderful, they're super-smooth, and so satisfying!

*Plenty of variety! An almost endless supply of fantastic recipes to tempt you with delicious ingredients, whilst keeping your calorie intake down and your nutrient level up, up, up.

* More vitality! Ask anyone who is using Formula 1, you can really feel the difference. This is the natural outcome of a more finely-tuned body, and the reward for balanced nutritional intake and making those positive changes to your lifestyle.

* There are no restrictions - the products are safe for any adult to use, male, female, young or old.

* It's not a club so there are no joining fees, no weekly fees, and you will not have to stand up in front of a group declaring your weight loss.

*Fabulous results - join the 80 million customers who have already had success with the Herbalife range of products. To view Herbalife Testimonials 

* Choice and flexibility - if either the Quickstart, Advanced or Ultimate System is inappropriate to your needs, then your Wellness Coach will happily devise a tailormade Weight Control Programme for you.

*The whole product range is backed by reliable and friendly personal service, offering support, advice & encouragement, you will be helped every step of the way by your Wellness Coach

For more product info, please do not hesitate to contact us!
012 6572336 | 011 11846889
FB Fan page: www.facebook.com/nutrishapeme
Email: nutrishapeme@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yay, i'm back!

Yayy, i'm back for good! *guling-guling*


Salam everyone!

Lama betul tak menulis disini-sinun. Saya taknak cakap busy, sebab saya dah jadi surimah sepenuh masa sekarang. I mean, buat masa sekarang. Tengok tv, goyang kaki bukan kerjaan saya, malah takde masa pon. 

Officially, announcing that I am a Personal Wellness Coach!  
Tau apa itu? Tak tau tak apa, nanti saya explain later okay?

Cuma, bagi sesiapa yang mencari solusi untuk turun berat / naik berat badan / nak sihat bertenaga sepanjang masa, boleh hubungi saya untuk maklumat lanjut!

Nahh. Results setelah consume satu product magic ajaib lagi kapoof*!


Amik phone terus dial 012 3768504 or BBM 23953800 okay?

Sekian, entri akan bersambung. Bai.

p.s. nak lari pegi jogging kejap. eheh :P

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Great experience with 'The Bunga Spa'.


Hai semua orang.

Lama tak update blog. Dah takot macam cencurut sekarang. Ijab Qabul lagi seminggu, errmm.. kurang dari 7 hari sebenarnya. Next Friday dah nak jadi isteri orang. Macam-macam perasaan ada. Boleh tak rasa macam tak bersedia lagi?.. Macam cepat sangat masa berlalu :P

Anyway, banyak sangat nak story sampai tak tahu nak mula dari mana. Bila tinggal minggu-minggu terakhir sebagai seorang single ni, biasalah, penuhkan aktiviti harian dengan aktiviti memanjakan diri.

The Bunga Spa
Nak dijadikan cerita, last week saya ke The Bunga Spa. Owner Spa ni kenalan lama saya, dah saya anggap macam kakak saya sendiri. Orangnya sangat baik dan peramah. Tak rugi kalau anda datang dan manjakan diri dengan package yang disediakan!

Jom layan gambar The Bunga Spa dulu!

'Rempah & Ramuan' yang digunakan semua diimport khas dari Bali, Indonesia!
accessories disedia khas untuk anda seperti lotion badan, sikat & juga cotton bud.
Deco & interior Spa semua diimport khas dari Bali! Cantik sangat!
Meja Reception - Diperbuat daripada kayu jati asli. Picture taken from the main entrance.
at the waiting area - interior inspired by Balinese deco
Why The Bunga Spa?

From my personal opinion, pekerja dia sangat terlatih & friendly. Saya ke Spa bersama kawan baik saya Puan Comel. Dia pon sangat teruja dengan Spa berkonsepkan bali ini. Kami ke sana jam 6.30pm, disambut baik oleh adik Is yang sangat peramah.

Rawatan yang saya pilih haritu adalah 'Slimming Package', antaranya adalah:

  1. Foot Bath
  2. Herbal Steam
  3. Shaping Detoxifying
  4. Body Wrapping
  5. Hot Blanket
  6. Slimming Scrub
  7. Slimming Mask
  8. Shower
  9. Complimentary Drinks : Teh Sireh / Kopi Pegaga

Apa yang boleh saya katakan, "The Bunga Spa is the best!"
*disclaimer : Post ini tidak dibayar oleh sesiapa.

Rawatan yang saya buat mengambil masa selama 2jam 30min, keluar Spa muka berseri okay! Bukan tak pernah pergi spa, tapi experience dekat Spa ni buat saya tak boleh lupa. Is yang sangat baik tu yang buat saya nak datang lagi :)

"Thank you Is, buat akak asik nak tergelak je.."

Next package, mandi susu & lulur.

Saya sangat suka memanjakan diri dengan rawatan Spa, sebab waktu ni je lah dapat berehat yang paling quality sambil badan diurut dan dibelai. Sometimes, bila perempuan yang dah bekerja ni, takde masa nak jaga diri especially badan yang letih, balik-balik je nampak katil tapi kat Spa ni, kita serahkan diri je lepas tu sediakan $$$, settled.

Last but not least, congrats to 'The Bunga Spa' team, although Spa ni baru beberapa bulan beroperasi tapi A&P telah mendapat perhatian sampai ke media hiburan dan penulisan. Baru-baru ini juga 'The Bunga Spa' telah mendapat Review in Harmoni Magazine (Utusan Group), 15th September 2012 edition. 

So, kepada sesiapa yang sedang mencari-cari tempat untuk memanjakan diri, tak lain tak bukan dan tak rugi punya, pegi la 'The Bunga Spa' di Setiawangsa. Yang lagi istimewa, jika anda pembaca blog saya, anda akan mendapat 10% discount!


Random pics around 'The Bunga Spa'..

Cantikkan? Saya sukaaa.. nak datang lagi! nak datang lagi!

Kepada Puan Owner, terima kasih daun keladi!
Saya nak datang lagi! :D

Akhir kata, anda cuba sendiri, and jangan lupa quote nama 'Liyana' & dapat 10% discount!

For those interested to come over to The Bunga Spa, contact them for appointment! :)

No. 3, 8 Setiawangsa Business Centre
Jalan Setiawangsa 13
Taman Setiawangsa
54200 Kuala Lumpur

The Bunga Spa 'OCT 2012' Promo

The Bunga Spa October promotion on "6 Steps Body Treatment" 

1. sea salt foot bath (10 mins)

2. herbs sauna using balinese special herb to open pores and make soften your skin. (20 mins)

3. full body balinese/ swedish massage using hand palm pressure to relieve tension. improve blood circulation, 

ease stress (1 hour)

4. full body scrub using sea salt scrub to clean and remove dead skin (20 mi

5. full body mask to soothe and hydrate your skin (20 mins)

6. milk bath, immerse yourself by soaking in bath tub with milk base (20 mins) 

complimentary drinks: teh sireh @ kopi pegaga by Jamu Ratus Warisan

promotion period- 1st oct 2012- 31st oct 2012

All of the above only at RM 160 ( NP:RM 230)

Kindly contact The Bunga Spa @ 03-4251 0577 or 012- 2696471 for further info. See you soon:)

Facebook : The Bunga Spa

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Nikah : 12 Oct 2012
Reception Wardieburn : 13 Oct 2012
Reception AU2 : 14 Oct 2012

Nikah : Pastel Yellow 
Reception Wardieburn : Beige + Turqoise Blue
Reception AU2 : Emerald Green + Gold

Nikah : Masjid Al-Hidayah, Taman Melawati
Reception Bride : Kem Wardieburn, Setapak
Reception Groom : Dewan MPAJ AU2, Keramat

Kursus Kawen - done
HIV Test - done
Borang Nikah - done
Hantar Borang Nikah - done
Inform Jurunikah - done

Nikah : Panel Caterer from Masjid - done
Reception Wardieburn : Serisaji Catering - done
Reception AU2 : Sri Angsana Canopy & Caterer - done

Nikah :  Panel Caterer from Masjid - done
Reception Wardieburn : Wardieburn Camp - done
Reception AU2 : Sri Angsana Canopy & Caterer  - done
PA system for both side : done
Performance for Reception Wardieburn :  done [The Siblings Band]
Emcee of the day : done [Dato' Dr Latif personal Emcee]
Kompang for both side : pending
Pencak Silat Performance for Reception Wardieburn : Eiji Arif & friend (min. 2 pax)

(a) Me
Baju, Veil - Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur
Tudung - pending
Kasut - done

(b) Him
Baju - Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur
Sampin - done
Songkok - pending
Kasut - done
Butang baju melayu - pending
Other Accessories - done

(a) Me
Baju, Veil, Accessories, Shoe - Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done

(b) Him
Baju, Accessories - Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done
Set Tanjak - Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done
Kasut - done

Reception Wardieburn : Serisaji Catering - pending
Reception AU2 : Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur

Nikah : Laila Rohani TV3 - booked
Reception Wardieburn : Laila Rohani TV3 - booked
Reception AU2 : Dwan Ismael - booked

Save The Date [pre-wedding I] : The Story Shooter - 29 SEPT 2012
Save The Date [pre-wedding II] : Shah Photography - 27 SEPT 2012
Nikah : The Story Shooter - done
Reception Wardieburn : Ministry of Moment (MOM) - done
Reception AU2 : The Story Shooter - done
Solemnization & Reception Wedding Video by : LH Media - done

Nikah : Panel Caterer from Mosque - done
Reception Wardieburn : Serisaji Catering - done
Reception AU2 : Sri Angsana Canopy & Caterer - done

  1. Sirih Junjung 
  2. Mas Kahwin + Bunga Rampai + Gelang (for upacara batal air sembahyang)
  3. Sejadah + Telekung
  4. Jam
  5. Perfume Set
  6. Handbag 
  7. Gadget
  8. Chocolate
  9. Cupcake /  Cake
  1. Sirih Junjung
  2. Sejadah + Al-Quran
  3. Kemeja + Tie
  4. Jam
  5. Perfume Set
  6. Towel Gift Set + Herbalife Toiletries
  7. Wallet & Belt
  8. Gadget
  9. Bateel Choc Dates
  10. Cake
  11. Tarts by 'Made by Uyun'
Nikah : Panel Caterer from Mosque - done
Reception Wardieburn : Serisaji Catering - done
Reception AU2 : Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done 

Nikah : done
Reception Wardieburn : Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done
Reception AU2 : Hafiz Husaini Kuala Lumpur - done

17. INAI
Diena Henna Artist - booked (RM50 paid for deposit)

Nikah : colorful
Reception Wardieburn : Honeydew Green
Reception AU2 : Light Brown

Reception Wardieburn : pending
Reception AU2 : pending

(a) Nikah : done

(b) Reception Wardieburn : 
Doorgift box - KadKahwinMu.com
Goodies - done
VIP Gift - done
Groom's side Family Gift - done
Main Table Gift - done

(c) Reception AU2 : 
Sponsored by FMIL family members

Reception Wardieburn : Shida & Izzuddin
Reception AU2 : Shida & Faiz

Accommodation & place to dress up : pending

Wedding Car : done
Escort by bikers : pending

Reception Wardieburn : KadKahwinMu.com
Reception AU2 : KadKahwinMu.com

Wishing Tree : pending
Bunga Telur : done

Guest Book & accessories - KadKahwinMu.com
Bunga Manggar - done
Bantal nikah - done
Easel Stand - done
Lace Parasol - done
Welcome Board - pending

Date : 19 - 21 Oct 2012
Destination : Tg. Jara Resort
Flight : One World Vacation (lucky draw prize - Taylor's Annual Dinner 2011)
Accommodation : One World Vacation (lucky draw prize - Taylor's Annual Dinner 2011)

Date : 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2012
Destination : Krabi, Thailand
Flight : Air Asia - fully paid.
Accommodation : 50% deposit

"Ya Allah, jadikanlah hambaMU ini dicintai pada hati orang yang beriman,dan jadikanlah mereka menyintai orang yang beriman"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How!


Salam readers,

Kami sedang mencari 20 orang yang serious nak turun berat 5-10kg sebulan sebelum hari raya terutamanya kepada bakal pengantin yang akan naik pelamin sebelum hujung tahun ini. Berminat?

SMS: [Nama, Umur, Lokasi] ke 012-3768504 / 012-6572336 / 012-7235575

Terima kasih.

Nutri Shape Me Team

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Review : Of Engagement Make Up


Huh, agak mengambil masa yang lama untuk mengupdate review make up masa bertunang. Mintak maaf kawan-kawan. Saya agak sibuk dengan life kerja, kerja, kerja, pagi petang siang malam dengan kerja di office.

Sampai masa dah nak kena bersara kerja dengan orang. Sangat penat, otak dan jiwa raga yang kacau bilau. Heh. 

Oklah, tanpa melengahkan masa lagi. Ceritera make up saya, last minute deal dengan kak jaja, she's is my pet sis cum make up artist untuk apa saja event. I've been using for her service since 2009. Dia je yang boleh make up saya dengan rasa kasih sayang. Cehh.. bangga kak ja.

I'm glad to know her.
Nama belom lagi commercialised tapi insyallah satu hari saya berjanji dengan diri saya untuk commercialkan nama dia. Nak tolong dia ada kehidupan yang lebih baik. Insyallah.

"The more you give, the more you help people, the more you will get back.." 

Masyaallah, sedar tak sedar, dah 4 months menjadi tunangan orang!
Banyak betul dugaan sebenarnya dalam tempoh bertunang ni tapi insyallah saya hadapi dengan tenang walaupon kadang-kadang meroyan macam orang yang hilang akal sekejap. Ya, saya mengaku saya mengalami masalah emosi yang kurang stabil tapi itu adalah cabaran untuk menentang syaitan yang asik nak buat kita marahhh je!

Astagfirullah. Astagfirullah. Mengucap panjang.

Anyway, let the pictures speak. 
homaigodd. My bad hinglish.

98.9% ready, 1.1% nervous
"I have a long hair, I know.."

 light make up with natural colors.

first attempts to put the baby breath

 almost ready

2nd attempt to include baby breath. nervousness

talented kak ja finishing the best for my make over :)

Alright, cukup ini sahaja yang saya rasa paling okay. Nanti kalau ada lagi, I will just update more. Kak ja is such a nice person I have ever know. Dia paling sporting. We are going to conduct make up class.

If anyone of you interested to join, please contact us at 012-3768504(liyana) or 0123530196(jaja).

I have always engage her as my 'every event' make up coz dia je yang pandai make up saya dengan citarasa saya sendiri, and its always look natural beauty :) 

Saya tak perasan, tapi kawan-kawan cakap make up dia sangat smooth and cantik :)

back in 2009, first make up with kak jaja.

Till then, I am glad that my make up was fine during my engagement ceremony. My advise is choose someone that you are really comfortable to work with, in the same time have the most reasonable price for the charges and not forgotten the most quality services too.

Again, yet not promoting, but if you're still looking for a make up artist, please feel free to call/sms Kak Jaja at 012-3530196, and you can just mentioned my name, saya tak kisah :) for any event, she's ready to help!
